RH Badminton Club Monday evening club

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Monday 8:15pm to 10:30pm, 6 hardwood court like new condition at double gym at the back of the school) 

2017 to 2018 New Season  Guest fee is $4 per night. Please bring your own birds and racquets. 

Richmond Hill High School,  MAP the school locates on 201 Yorkland Street, which is one street East of Yonge Street, North of Elgin Mill, just south of 19th Avenue.

Monday Badminton club: (2016-2017 Started September 19, 2015 till June 12, 2017

Cancellations: 2017 Oct.9. Dec.25. 2018: Jan.1. Feb.19. Mar. 12. Apl.2. May 21,28. Last badminton night is June 11, 2018.


Rules and regulations 會規:

Badminton Club Rules. 

There are changes in the Badminton sport, rules for our badminton clubs will change as well, so that most players (both members and guests) will enjoy playing badminton in this new atmosphere. Any misbehavior (causing disturbance to other players or games, not cooperative or rough manners) player will be expelled from the Badminton Club and refund as list below.

Members: Only members in good friendly and co-operative manner will be granted continue membership.

Guests: All guests obey school and club rules and pay the guest fee $4 are welcome in any night.

Refunds: Membership fee will be refundable after $10 cancellation fee, and minus $4 each badminton night passed. (e.g. after 6 nights after the club open, whether the player has been attended or not, $60-$10-$24=$26 is refundable), Membership are not transferable to another player or switch to another night.  

Maximum players: There will be no maximum players each night, every player must take turns (one game), match score will be 21 points. At busy nights, timer will be time at 12 minutes intervals. Warm up time must be kept minimum, about 1 minutes when there are players waiting. The Manager will arrange the take term system.

Others: All players bring their racquets and shuttles, help set up or clear nets and posts, guests must be registered and paid before go on court. Must follow the school and club rules.  

VIP members: Players pay double membership fee and play badminton from arrival to the end.